WCS U is a resource through which staff across our organization can continue to learn and grow throughout their careers. WCS U for Part-Time & Temporary Employees is designed to create opportunities for learning, supported by practical tools and resources.

Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences

“On the job” experiences and meaningful work relationships are key to developing yourself and your career. Below is a list of different experiences to consider to enhance both your skills and knowledge.

Job Shadowing

Take the opportunity to accompany a colleague in a different role or part of the organization as they do their work.  Gain insight into that role or particular work area.

Temporary Assignment

Accept a temporary assignment (for example, a few days or a weekend shift) outside of your current role. This benefits WCS by filling a short-term operational need, and benefits you by exposing you to another part of the organization, helping you expand your work relationships, and develop your skills.


Foundational Skills . . .
Foundational Skills

such as interpersonal communication, professional effectiveness, and relationship management.

Available through:

Conservation . . .

such as conservation 101, climate change, ecology, field work, and policy.

Available through:

Management & Leadership . . .
Management and Leadership

such as working with teams, operations, and change management.

Available through:

Technical Skills . . .
Technical Skills

such as data handling, grant writing, public speaking, technology, budgeting, GIS, facility operations.

Available through:

Tools . . .

Feedback Tips – (EN) (ES) (FR)

Informational Interview Guide – (EN) (ES) (FR)

Career Planning Worksheet – (EN) (ES) (FR)

Career Discussion Guide – (EN) (ES) (FR)

Resume Cheat Sheet – (EN)